U.P. Secondary Education Service Selection Board
U.P. Act No.5 of 1982 as passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature an Act to establish Secondary Education (Service Selection Boards) Act, 1982 for the selection of teachers in institutions recognised under the Intermediate Education Act, 1921.
Objectives and Reasons:The appointment of teachers in secondary institutions
recognised by the Board of High School and Intermediate Education was governed by
the Intermediate Education Act, 1921 and regulations made thereunder. It was felt
that the selection of teachers under the provisions of the said Act and the regulations
was some times not free and fair. Besides, the field of selection was also very
much restricted. This adversely affected the availability of suitable teachers and
the standard of education. It was therefore, considered necessary to constitute
Secondary Education Service Commission at the State level, to select Principals,
Lecturers, Head-masters and L.T. Grade teachers, and Secondary Education Selection
Boards at the regional level, to select and make available suitable candidates for
comparatively lower posts in C.T./J.T.C./B.T.C. Grade for such institutions.
The Board shall be a body corporate. It shall exercise powers throughout Uttar Pradesh
and its headquarters shall be at Allahabad.
The Board shall consist of a chairman and ten members.
The Board shall have the following powers and duties namely
- to prepare guidelines on matters relating to the method of direct recruitment of teachers;
- to conduct examinations, where necessary, and hold interviews and make selection of candidates for being appointed as teachers;
- to select and invite experts and to appoint examiners for the purposes specified in clause (b);
- to make recommendations regarding the appointment of selected candidates;
- to advise the Management in matters relating to dismissal, removal or reduction in rank of teachers;
- to obtain periodical returns or other informations from institutions regarding strength of the teaching staff and the appointment, dismissal, removal, termination or reduction in rank of teachers;
- To fix the emoluments and traveling and other allowances of the experts;
- To administer the funds placed at the disposal of the Board;
- to perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be prescribed or as may be incidental or conducive to the discharge of its functions under this Act or the rules or regulation made thereunder.
- The selection of teachers is conducted according to rules framed under The Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board, Rules 1998.
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